Sunday, March 16, 2014

Challenge accepted!

I woke up this morning feeling refreshed. I finally got 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. I don't remember when that has happened for me. I have been working late hours, traveling, and feeling a little under the weather so its been a rough few weeks. But today. Today I woke up with new ambition...its a new day, new week,  and a new opportunity to try again. 

I don't hide the fact that I AM A SLACKER. I have a really hard time motivating myself! I will take on any outdoor challenge, I will push myself to run tough races but training...that's another story. My big goal this year is to #trainsmarter. Yeah, that hasn't been working out very well for me. One excuse after another (some legit but still an excuse) and I am not much farther than where I was when I made that goal. I really cant afford a personal trainer and while I belong to a gym (Planet Fitness) it is a 30 minute drive. AND (see, more excuses) the gym itself is an older, smaller, smellier version of PF. I keep the membership just so that I can have options when I am out and about and traveling. Anyhow, I digress. Part of my training needs to focus on my problem areas-My ITB issues and piriformis pain. I have strength exercises I need from my kick-ass physical therapist Amber Ferreira but I just need to do them. The other area I need to focus on is my back/shoulder strength. This is ever so evident in my race photos, here is the latest ugly truth:
photo courtesy of Gianina Lindsey @SNAPacidiotic

Now you might look at that pic and think I am being overly critical but I know my problem areas. Shoulders/Back are my focus right now, mainly because my shoulders are always tight and today extremely tight and sore, you could bounce a quarter off them today. I do need a couple of things 1. a good massage 2. a visit to my chiropractor. What I also need to do is work on strengthening these problem areas so I dont have to worry about spending the cash to repair the damage. I was given some good soup can lifting shoulder and back exercises, I have some exercises/stretches given to me from my physical therapist, and last night I sat down and researched a few more. On my agenda today was to "create a workout schedule". Other areas of focus are butt and upper legs (baby got back) 2. my abs/belly (surgery really did a number on that region). This morning I was briefly flipping through my twitter and saw a post by Amanda at Run to the Finish. Something about last day for Bootie Buster Challenge 2014. I have read about her holiday challenges but this one is great timing for me. This is her second year doing a spring challenge and I said to myself "game on" (and it got me out of trying to throw together more workout routines I can do at home). Because I signed up late the registration was $25...$25 dollars for fitness advice and people to hold me accountable. I will take it. It feels a little lazy to me but I need more time in my life. I am still going to map out my shoulder/back work outs as well as strengthening my leg lower body issues, I am hoping this little challenge keeps me on track since you get points for the time you spend being active. If you need a quick spring boost, check it out and sign up today or its going to be too late! Happy Training! No Regrets!!!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

The evolution of my bling collection

Bling. This girl doesnt need sparkly diamonds. 
I dont run for the bling but it is a bonus-it symbolizes determination and hard work. 


I won the trophy at my first race...2nd in my age group, Hopkinton Lions 5K, Oct 2010
My "bling" collection as of March 2011

That is where it started and this is where it went...

My bling collection as of January 2012
2012, a little more bling after the Cinco de Mayo 5k

Fall 2012, notice the box full of kindling
From the box of kindling I won at Frenzy in the Forest Summer 2012, 1st in age group

That box of kindling now

Beautiful...I love it!!!
The extras
Room to grow